
Please have your nominations in before
Sunday May 25 at 11:59 pm.

Retail Stores

Jewellers and Jewellery Stores

Nominate Nominated! Alie and Elsie Jewelry
Nominate Nominated! Amber Rayne Designs
Nominate Nominated! Beach Jewels By Canabajan Beach
Nominate Nominated! Bellezza Moda Beauty and Fashion
Nominate Nominated! Ben Moss
Nominate Nominated! Blue Jeans & Pearls
Nominate Nominated! Button's Corner
Nominate Nominated! Caleighs Crystals
Nominate Nominated! Charm Diamond Centres NEW!
Nominate Nominated! The Collective YQR
Nominate Nominated! Cristina's Jewelry
Nominate Nominated! Crocus & Ivy interiors
Nominate Nominated! Feathered Rose Jewellery
Nominate Nominated! Fire and Ice
Nominate Nominated! Hillberg & Berk Accessories Inc
Nominate Nominated! His Bead Store
Nominate Nominated! Journey Stones - Rocks, Gems & Minerals - Crystals & Healing Stones
Nominate Nominated! Jws Diamonds
Nominate Nominated! K & B Jewelry
Nominate Nominated! Megan J. Hazel Jewellery
Nominate Nominated! Olson Goldsmiths Inc
Nominate Nominated! Peoples Jewellers
Nominate Nominated! Persephonaliac
Nominate Nominated! Precious Jewels
Nominate Nominated! Quality Goldsmith
Nominate Nominated! Roxanne Brown Jewellery
Nominate Nominated! Such N Stuf Wellness Center & Gift Shop
Nominate Nominated! Victoria Jewellers Ltd
Nominate Nominated! Wholehearted Crystal Creations
Nominate Nominated! Wild's Goldsmithing
Nominate Nominated! You N Me Formal Boutique
Showing of entries.
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